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Recursos gratuitos para profesionales

Las personas profesionales de las Ciencias Prenatales juegan un papel muy importante en el

campo de agregar más valor y calidad a la vida. Aquí, hay una colección de recursos para

ayudar a la academia, investigadores y profesionales con su trabajo. Agregamos nuevos datos

con el tiempo, así que por favor regrese y comparta.

Our prenatal life influences us throughout life; Being aware makes us free!

You do not plan your journey and if you think you do, think again. Well, Prenatal Psychology found me some 25 years ago, when I met one of the Pioneers. Soon I discovered that there was something of great value. The more I study it, the more I am aware of the depths of the wisdom it can reveal to those, like me, who have given their Hippocratic Oath to serve those clients that come to me in their process of re-establishing the broken continuum of their psychosomatic health.


What can we learn from the Pioneers in this field?

As T.S. Eliot says “Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future. And time future contained in time past…”. Studying some of the many beautiful minds and hearts who managed to get a glimpse of the truth of human reality shows us the direction to look at and see, ask appropriate questions and seek answers, more close to the truth answers, and design services and processes that serve humanity with kindness and respect. Studying pioneer work is studying what we experience now and what we will continue to see in the future. If nothing changes. If we can learn from the work of those who walked before us, we can make our own extra mile to be added to their journey of contribution. We do not need to rediscover the wheel but stand on the giants’ shoulders and reach new understandings.


Why do psychotherapists need to have this knowledge?

Psychotherapists are the ones who listen to the clients’ narratives (both somatic or words) and spot the seeds of what underlies the disease or dysfunction as well as the hints of bringing back to homeostasis of health. The benefits are huge. When psychotherapists learn how to read the causes of conflict and how to re-establish reconciliation, when they get acquainted with the primal signs in all aspects of us (words, cells, art…) on all levels, they can cut the healing process short as they will be able to get to the core right from the beginning avoiding the vicious cycle of going round and round and round of repeated scenarios and they will see their people and their environments thrive.


And how about obstetricians and midwives?

As for the obstetricians and midwives, they hold the present and the future of humanity in their hands. They are present even before conception (infertility cases or IVF), during pregnancy and the baby’s gestation and at birth and puerperium. This way, they become valuable transformation vehicles by being the ones who use this knowledge to apply Primordial Health Advancement Programs. The knowledge they gain through Prenatal Psychology will enable them to guide both the baby and the maternal environment to choices that contribute to health and adopt respectful processes to welcome our children. A little knowledge added for change on the birth scene, a huge change in the quality of life of the newborns.


How should society treat pregnant women and newborns?

There have already been 100 years of Prenatal Psychology in modern times. This means that we already know a lot. We know that whatever a human being experiences from even before conception to weaning is significant and gets imprinted on the self to be triggered and, if negative, cause disease and dysfunction in life after birth. It is important to invest in Primordial Health Advancement Programs and see that all involved in the welcoming of newcomers to life (pregnant couples, obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, social workers, educators etc. ) are properly supported and professionally trained so that they become vehicles of health and civilization with multiple returns for the whole society. We need our policy makers understand and facilitate the incorporation of such programs for the babies in gestation and their parents but also the newborns, the schoolchildren and the teenagers as well as the young couples thinking of parenthood and the aging ones, to name some of the fields. Taking care of the beginning, we take care of the whole life continuum. Unfortunately, we still have to battle with ignorance, rigid protocols that do not take into account even scientific evidence, we face resistance to change and we pay the price of violence and fear. Too high!


Why this resistance?

It is understandable to unconsciously resist whatever brings us back to our primal beginnings as we are all creatures who have experienced the challenges of the sometimes hell-like gestation and labor. However, remember that each one of us is not just the identification of a trauma. Hiding in the shadow, resisting what we feel is our intolerable pain is far from safety and happiness, while allowing to embrace the darker areas of experience and learn from what we resist is the way of freedom that liberates us and all our dynamic treasure to live life in full. You deserve it. We deserve enjoying your full presence.

Now is the time!

Olga Gouni

prenatal psychologist, researcher, prenatal psychology educational programs for professionals, journal editor, https//,, email:

The interview was (initially published

'Lo que el embrión tiene que decir sobre la unión': seminario web gratuito con el Dr. Jaap van der Wal

Conexión tierra-corazón

El lenguaje de la naturaleza es un lenguaje sentido más que un lenguaje hablado y la entrada es a través del corazón. El vídeo describe cómo se produce esta conexión y qué resulta cuando la realizamos.

Para leer el libro LA NATURALEZA DEL CÓDIGO de DANIEL SHIFFMAN online gratis haz clic aquí

The Second Reproductive Revolution

On April 29, Cohen, who is one of the world's leading experts on the intersection of bioethics (sometimes also called "medical ethics") and the law, delivered a talk titled “The Second Reproductive Revolution,” focusing on how technology is changing reproduction from gene editing, to uterus transplants, to embryos derived from our skin.

Banco de datos de investigación de salud primal

"Primal Health Research" explora las correlaciones entre el "período primal" (vida fetal,

período perinatal y año siguiente al nacimiento) y la salud y los rasgos de personalidad en la

edad adulta. El banco de datos es el resultado del trabajo diligente de Michel Odent durante

muchas décadas.

Los bebés nacen mejor (encuesta y hallazgos)

Babies Born Better es un proyecto de largo plazo que examina las opiniones y experiencias de mujeres que han dado a luz en los últimos 3 años. El objetivo del proyecto Babies Born Better es convertirse en un importante recurso para la mejora de la atención materna y del parto en todo el mundo. Al descubrir qué funciona, para quién y en qué circunstancias, los datos del proyecto proporcionarán información sobre las mejores prácticas durante el parto. Hay documentos publicados basados en los hallazgos de muchos países europeos disponibles en el sitio web. La nueva encuesta ya está abierta. Por favor, anúnciala entre tus amigos y pide a las familias que participen. Los datos sin procesar están disponibles para los investigadores interesados en analizarlos. Para ello, consulte con el representante de su país en el sitio web.


Capacitación en Epigenética y Cuidado Informado por Trauma (MOOC)

El curso “Epigenética y Cuidado Informado por Trauma” es un curso de introducción para aquellos que ya son profesionales en el campo de la Atención Materna o estudiantes de las disciplinas de Psicología, Medicina, Matronería/Partería, Enfermería, Trabajo Social y/o

Pedagogía. Se propone:

1 Familiarizar a los participantes de entornos relacionados con el nacimiento con conceptos como trauma del nacimiento, TEPT (trastorno de estrés postraumático), atención informada sobre el trauma, epigenética, trauma transgeneracional.

2 Ayudarlos a reconocer las causas y el impacto relacionado para todos los involucrados. Podrán Identificar Trauma en servicios de maternidad. 

3 Permitirles saber cómo evaluar el trauma del nacimiento y el TEPT en la investigación y la práctica clínica.

4 Ayudar a los participantes a aplicar los principios de la atención informada sobre el trauma a los servicios de maternidad.

El curso está abierto a todas las personas interesadas y es gratuito. Un resultado de COST


Más publicaciones de COST ACTION CA18211

Se puede encontrar en línea una colección de publicaciones recientes relevantes para los

profesionales de la salud y la atención materna, algunas de ellas relacionadas con el impacto

de Covid-19 en los padres y los bebés. Haga click abajo.

Covid-19 Handbook Resource List all hyperlinked (from COST Action CA18211)

Click below to get access to the toolkit and remember to visit the website for updates


Una lista de libros en pdf (acceso abierto) para que los/las profesionales descarguen

Anthropological and Legal Challenges of Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Venetia Kantsa, Giulia Zanini, Lina Papadopoulou (EDITORS)
First edition: October 2015,  ISBN 978-618-82208-5-0

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