A series of interviews with Prenatal Sciences' Pioneers
Life stories are important. They are treasures. They inspire, they teach, they show the way, they hand down the torch to the next torchbearer… Over the last 100 years, since the times of Otto Rank publishing “The Trauma of Birth” in 1920, a lot of pioneers in the field of Prenatal Sciences have added their light to the understanding of the significance of our pre-conception to infancy for the rest of our life. We spot them and interview them, video record these interviews and share with the world so that others can have the opportunity to meet them first hand and not through the narratives of those who remember and learn right from their lips. 17 AUGUST 2022: MEET THOMAS VERNY, MD Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81242787813?pwd=c1Q1VlI5ZmRQbVlrak55d0pmeWhidz09 Meeting ID: 812 4278 7813 Passcode: 226165 16:30 UTC+0 Thomas R. Verny is one of the world's leading authorities on the effect of the prenatal and early postnatal environment on personality development. He is a psychiatrist, writer and academic. He has previously taught at Harvard University, University of Toronto, York University, Toronto, St. Mary’s University, Minneapolis, Minnesota and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. In 1974, Verny wrote his first book, Inside Groups, for McGraw Hill. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child (with John Kelly), Summit Books, 1981, followed this. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child has become an international bestseller published in 27 countries and has changed the pregnancy and childbirth experience for millions of mothers and fathers. In 1983, Verny founded the Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Association of North America (PPPANA, renamed APPPAH—Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health – in 1995), and served as its president for eight years. In 1986, he launched the APPPAH Journal – the Journal of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health (JAPPAH) (Human Sciences Press, New York), which he edited from its inception until 1990. In addition to eight books, Verny is the author or co-author of 47 scientific papers and articles. He has participated in more than 250 newspaper, radio and TV interviews. He has lectured and given workshops on Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, South America and Southeast Asia. His latest Book The Embodied Mind is a well-documented scientific book that will shift our understanding of memory (in English, soon in Greek) as well.
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