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Dear Sponsor,

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present a very real and unique opportunity to support a global event, this congress, and participate in an attitudinal change that will have a lifelong impact on the lives of us all and our future generations, our children, on this planet. 

We are excited to present our plans for this unique event bringing together all creative forces involved in prenatal sciences all over the world as well as those forces promoting life sustainability. With the help of your valued contribution we are aiming to meet the financial aspects of our congress so that we can bring the messages to the most needing offering free access to attentees from developing countries or from the less priviliged socioeconomic strata. This way, you will have managed to be a vehicle of change as you will have added to creating greater awareness of this cause. Meeting this goal is vitally important to bring about these beneficial results and therefore we are asking for much-needed help.

Who will attend this event?

Our Prenatal Sciences Global Congress aims to bring together researchers, academia, professionals, stakeholders, decision makers and service users from all continents. As the theme adresses 3 very significant aspects -Prenatal Sciences, Human-Earth Connection & Life Sustainability the congress target audiences are: Health professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Medical People, Social Workers, Family Therapists, Body Therapists, Birth Educators, Midwives & Doulas, Pedagogists, Sociologists, Ecologists, Life Scientists, Parents and Pregnant Parents as well as those Scholars who are interested in Ethics. At the same time, provision has been taken so that the congress and its pre-congress events offer opportunities to young children and senior citizens as we think of them as important vehicles of change.

It is also the 1st time when pioneer organizations in the field get united and use their 50-year long history to co-host this historical congress. APPPAH the US association and ISPPM the European association as the two main organizations together with the Prenatal Sciences Partnership  multiplying the benefits of this life promoting knowledge and way of living. We expect that with the help of all national representatives the audience attending this congress and the pre-congress events will reach new heights.

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